New pages start here! Nothing to watch out for this time around really.
new set of pages starts here! Head’s up for the same topless woman from the last update if you’re reading this at work.
Please stop messaging me about it, we are trying to fix it.
New update! Chapter 1: Pages 4-6 start here Warning for topless ladies, topless dudes, it’s hot, no one is wearing a shirt. More guts, but they’re fish guts this time.
In the meantime we’re trying to figure out what the issue with the nav buttons on the first page is, we’re aware of it, you do not need to email me and Facebook message me and tweet me and tumblr at me about it. It is a known issue.
I am pleased to officially announce the first set of pages! New update starts here! Content warning for lots of guts and what basically amounts to creature vivisection. warning for folks who want to avoid that sort of thing in their talking dragon people comics.